New template
Still working on installing this new template with AJAX thingy, so bear with me…Also, any comments and feedback are appreciated… and yeah, pull the string and let me know if it works…
Still working on installing this new template with AJAX thingy, so bear with me…Also, any comments and feedback are appreciated… and yeah, pull the string and let me know if it works…
Just found out that I can read online the best magazine ever… Magazine that suits anyone from 7 to 77… Unbelievably relaxing, yet educational paper…It`s in Serbian, so no use for most of you, but I know that readers from ex-YU countries will know how to respect this info 🙂 Click on Arhiva and …
Melbourne, Australia Manhattan, USA Los Angeles, USA Paris, France Erevan, Armenia Oxford, UK Monaco Oslo, Norway Bratislava, Slovakia Turin, Italy
World Bank urges boost for young Developing countries must invest in young people, promoting education and health and developing essential skills, a major World Bank report says. The World Development Report says there are now a record 1.3 billion people aged 12-24 living around the world. Those numbers could create problems in many nations if …
MC of AIESEC in Serbia started blogging…
My friends sent me this pic today… My favourite pizza… I hate them… and I miss home…
——————————————————————-*Update: Apparently, the link was wrong 🙂 Now it should be OK…——————————————————————-Since flickr allows only 200 photos with free subscription and I`m not willing to pay any money to them (at least not yet :P), I created my own gallery with all my photos at In a couple of days I`ll add some interesting …
The ambitious founders of Google, the popular search engine company, have set up a philanthropy, giving it seed money of about $1 billion and a mandate to tackle poverty, disease and global warming.
for those who didn`t know – Serbia recently changed its anthem from “Hej Sloveni” (which noone liked because it was introduced during communist regime, regardless of the beauty of the song and its meaning) to “Boze pravde” (God of Justice). In last couple of years, all big events where our anthem was played were destroyed …
Historical moment… Although 3rd gold in a row for our Waterpolo team, this is the first one for the Republic of Serbia. As usual, Belgrade and other Serbian cities knew how to celebrate the success…