SAD 2012 – Svakodnevica (1. deo)

Mislim da sam u nekom postu već napisao da sam od onih koji, kad ode u drugu zemlju, manje gleda građevine a više ljude. To mi je nekako zanimljivije, bolje vidim gde sam došao, kako se ponašaju, kako izgledaju, u kakvom okruženju žive.
Tako sam se ponašao i dok sam šetao po Majamiju i Njujorku, i gledao da se informišem kad primetim nešto zanimljivo ili (na prvi pogled) čudno. Neke od tih stvari bih voleo da vidim i u Srbiji, neke ne, ali svakako su sve zanimljive. Evo nekih od njih.

Life success :)

  This is taken in front of my hotel in Bucharest… Hotel has a Casino in its premises, so all kinds of people are coming, mostly those that have “succeeded in life”, just like the owner of the car below 🙂

My Personality Disorder :)

You May Be a Bit Antisocial… Antisocial? That may be a bit of an understatement. You think rules are meant to be broken – and with gusto! Having no fear, you don’t even think about consequences. But people love you anyway… you’ve got a boatload of charm. What Personality Disorder Are You?


Pretty cool, huh? Imagine if you get bitten with this! 🙂 RAPEXTM is a new product that was developed to empower women to defend themselves against rapists. RAPEXTM is a device used by women to prevent rape and to identify the rapist. The RAPEXTM prototype was launched on 31 August 2005, at Kleinmond, Cape Province, …