- Srećko Jamnišek 1931-2010
A sad day.
Mr. Srecko Jamnisek, a great guy that, among other great things, started AIESEC in Belgrade and Yugoslavia back in 1953, passed away.
Starting AIESEC in Yugoslavia 57 years ago was a huge thing – that was the first time that such innovative and self-governing movement was allowed in one communist country. I suppose I can even go a bit further and say that it sparkled AIESEC offices and youth networking and leadership development in many other communist countries.
Mr. Jamnišek was inducted to AIESEC Alumni Hall of Fame in 2003. at 50th birthday of AIESEC in Yugoslavia.
Profile of the inductee below copied from aiesec.org:
Srečko Jamnišek
Date of Birth: 8th of February, 1931
Home Country: Slovenia
:: Founder of LC Beograd and AIESEC in the Former Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia NCP of AIESEC in the Former Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia 1952-1954
:: Traineeship in the UK, 1954
:: Honorary member of AIESEC Alumni Club in SloveniaACHIEVEMENTS
In the early 50’s establishing an exchange program in a communist country with Western Europe and other countries. In 1953 he realized approximately 100 exchanges.Srečko Jamnišek worked as the Export Director in a 12,000 employee steel company in Zenica, Bosnia in 1955-1959, after which he moved to Emo Celje, Slovenia. In his time as the Export Director and Commercial Director of Emo Celje (1959-1967) the company started taking AIESEC trainees.
He extended the market of EMO Celje to Germany, Iran, Kuwait, Syria, Nigeria. Lebanon, Jamaica, Cote D’Ivore, Ghana.He worked as the General Manager of the Intertrade subsidiary in Prague and later in Slovenia as the Intertrade’s General Manager for Europe.
In 1979 he started leading the Rep office of Ljubljanska Banka in Germany, in 1982 he became the CEO of Ljubljanska Banka Združena Banka and in 1986 the General Manager of a Rep office of Ljubljanska banka in Germany again.In 1982 he wrote a proposal to government about a law on joint ventures of foreign investors in Yugoslavia. In 1991 he wrote another proposal to government of Slovenia concerning a law about privatization of Slovenian enterprises.
Several times he has organized charity events to support clinics in Ljubljana.
Mr. Jamnišek, thank you for starting something that eventually changed mine and lives of thousands of people in ex-Yugoslavia.
Rest in peace.
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Hvala svim AIESEC-ovcima koji ste ga poznavali i cijenili, to mu je vrlo mnogo značilo. Želio je dobro svim narodima, naročito omladini, studentima… već davno bio je uvjeren, da jedino otvoreno društvo, koje omogućava mladima razmjenu znanja i iskustava sa drugima, može omogućiti razvoj… zato se toliko i trudio davne 1952. godine… rezultat je evidentan, na desetine hiljada mladih i dandanas koristi program razmjene i to je za svakog pojedinca dobro. Još jednom, puno vam hvala za pažnju i prisustvo AIESEC-ovca na sahrani 26.2.2010 . Sve dobro vam želim. Blanka Jamnišek ( kčer)
U Politici smo videli citulju i puno smo se iznenadili. Ovom prilikom izrazavamo iskreno saucesce. U secanju nam ostaju zajednicki lepi trenuci u Kuparima i Trebinju.
Saucestvujemo u bolu.
Slobodan Mandic (suprug pokojne Nevene Mandic Čabrinović, i cerke Ivana i Maja.
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Draga Blanka,
hvala puno sto si se javila.
Gospodin Srecko verovatno nikada nije ni mogao da shvati koliko mnogo postujemo i njega i sve sto je uradio, niti je verovatno bio svestan koliko je zivota sustinski promenila ta njegova inicijativa.
Secam se njegovog zahvaljivanja "sto smo ga se setili" i secam se da ni tada nisam mogao da verujem da upoznajem coveka koji je sve ovo zapoceo i da je toliko skroman… Neverovatno…
Zbog svega toga, jos jednom, hvala mu!
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Srecko Jamnisek was a man who loved his family deeply, was always smiling, and encouraging to those around him. He welcomed me to Prague when I came to the International School to teach his daughter, Blanka, in the third grade. He invited me (and my fellow teacher, Vicky) to his home for dinner and took us with his family on a skiing weekend back in 1970. He welcomed me and my husband in Frankfort when we returned to Europe for a visit. He was a thoughtful and generous man. I will remember him always.
Srecko Jamnisek was a man who loved his family deeply, was always smiling, and encouraging to those around him. He welcomed me to Prague when I came to the International School to teach his daughter, Blanka, in the third grade. He invited me (and my fellow teacher, Vicky) to his home for dinner and took us with his family on a skiing weekend back in 1970. He welcomed me and my husband in Frankfort when we returned to Europe for a visit. He was a thoughtful and generous man. I will remember him always.
Slučajno sam večeras pročitao ovaj prilog i ražalostio jer sam imao čast i zadovoljstvo da budem saradnik pravog gospodina Srećka Jamnišeka u Frankfurtu tokom pet godina rada u Ljubljanskoj banci. Neverovatan čovek, pun znanja, energije i optimizma. Rastali smo se 91/92 godine kao veliki prijatelji ali se na žalost od tada nismo više čuli. Imao sam čast da upoznam i njegovu divnu suprugu i ako kojim slučajem neko ima kontakt sa porodicom Jamnišek želim da zamolim da prenesete moje iskrene pozdrave i moje divno sećanje na Srećka Jamnišeka. Slobodan Maričić, nekadašnji šef predstavništva u Frankfurtu sa suprugom Nadom inače detaširani predstavnik nekadašnje Ljubljanske banke u Beogradu.
Sa gospodinom Jamnišekom, eminentnim jugoslovenskim bankarom upoznao me moj šef dr Života Ristić, krajem 80-tih godina, dok sam radio u Predstavništvu LHB-banke u Beogradu. Imao sam 26 godina, a dve godine je proteklo od kada sam diplomirao EF u Beogradu.
I sam veliki AIESEC-ovac (LCP, NCS i organizator ELCM 1985 u Beogradu) imao sam čast da pored gospodina Jamnišeka poznajem i prof dr Lazara Pejića – takođe jednog od osnivača AIESEC YU i dekana EF. Večna im slava!