Cool website… upload your picture and check which celebrity looks like you 🙂 check mine – click here hehe, funny 😛 post your links in comments… let`s see who looks like you 🙂

Spirit of Belgrade, Part II

Surfer Originally uploaded by PeckoPivo. Another photo of total craziness of Belgrade people…Water-skiing on flooded street of downtown Belgrade is a new sport these days in Serbia… 🙂 Some people disapproved this act of pure fun, but these guys actually changed their clothes afterwards and helped in stopping the floods. Thumbs up!

Little Happy Family :)

Little Happy Family 🙂 Originally uploaded by PeckoPivo. Don`t we look just perfect? 🙂This is during my going away party… Almost forgot to mention – these fat dudes all over me are Duci and Pedja… 🙂